Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"If a tree falls in the woods..."

Happy Thanksgiving one and all.  Have you ever heard the philosophical question; If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?  This post will provide the facts I need to answer the above question.  I would like to think that this blog is used by someone other than myself.  Actually, I'm not even sure that my wife reads this.  So is it all for naught?  With no one here to read it, does it send a message?

I think it does.  This blog actually gives me an opportunity to comment on things as I see them.  My views are valuable, just because they are mine.  You......Yeah, You..... You too have valuable insights that should be shared, just as I do.  Here is the opportunity to explore the possibilities of sharing your views with me.  I'm doing my part, now it's your turn.

Prove to me that the tree makes noise when no one is there.  Do you hear the silence?  I do, and it's sometimes deafening.  We can ponder the meaning of life, and perhaps answer the question once and for all..

Post a one word comment.  It's time for roll call.            Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. swoooshhh...that's the sound the tree makes. Ok, I typed too many words.

